Summer 2024 Newsletter

Blessed is the Man who trust in the Lord!

Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for praying for the roof project at CIMIV school. As you may know; the CIMIV roof is in desperate need of repair. In order to repair the roof and the students to be in classroom, they are going to construct a make shift classrooms above the vo-tech center, which is on campus. We reached our first goal of $25,000!

There’s hope in God’s goodness, isnt there.

(A very notable company offered $10,000 to this roof.)

We want to tell you… Construction has started on the second story!

God’s timing is perfect & the students will be able to start school on time!

Prayer Requests:

  • Continue to pray for the teachers and staff at CIMIV school. Pray for consistency & God’s consist presence at the school.
  • Pray for the people & safety while traveling that were God chosen as they serve the Lord in the Dominican Republic at the end of October for a week.


Thank you for continuing to pray and donate to This Little Light Ministries!

As a ministry we invite God to led us and He continues to bless His people. Blessed who confidence indeed is in the Lord, is blessed. You’re small and simple offerings have a ripple effect in His kingdom.

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